Monday, July 18, 2011

6 months

month 6 really flew by with all of our travels and vacations - this one snuck up on me big time!  happy 1/2 birthday to our sweet little kate!  you are the sweetest of all sweetnesses and you get more loveable everyday! 
highlights of 6 months...
17lbs 3oz and a head in the 90%
you started sitting up unsupported on july 4th
you stopped eating rice cereal - hopefully we can find out at your dr. appointment tomorrow what's up with that!
you laugh when we play peek-a-boo and tickle your tummy
you watch everything your brother does and think he's pretty cool
you put everything in your mouth!  i think a tooth must be coming soon
you eye our food like a hawk and reach for our forks when we are eating
your afternoon nap is getting longer and longer - thank you!  you and brooks often give mommy 2 hours of peace and quiet!

as kate turns 6 months, our B-man is turning 2 and a half this week too!  wow!
he has really grown up in the last month it seems.  two weeks of vacation with grandparents really brought out the big boy in him, and Brooks is talking more and more.  even though i am the only one who seems to understand most of what he says, he really is a chatterbox.  he has also started to play pretend more - his favorite pretend game is to take a nap and wake up and make breakfast.  he also likes to play pretend golf.  while we haven't mastered the potty yet, there does seem to be an increased interest in it.  last week brooks told me, "mom, want to go to target and buy underwear.  want blue ones, not red ones."  we did go and buy underwear but he has lost interest since!

these two munchkins are sure bringing a lot of joy to our life.  somedays are pretty crazy and a two and half year old offers plenty of frustrating and humbling moments, but overall, i wouldn't trade these days for anything.  last saturday we watched as they sat together in a tent in our backyard "talking" to each other and couldn't help but get excited for all the future moments together.

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