Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 years - wood?

while we were in crested butte, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary - wow! 
what a great 5 years it has been.  we settled in colorado, richard finished his residency and started a fellowship, we bought a house, we had 2 kids (!), we travelled to costa rica and we did a lot of other fun stuff along the way.  i don't feel 5 years older in a lot of ways but in some ways i do.

the thing that has surprised me most being married to richard?  how much he likes cars and how much he knows about them!  i laugh everytime he starts listing stats about random cars on the road - not something that came out while we were dating!

i sure love being married to this guy and am so thankful for the life we have started together.  i couldn't really ask for more. 

for our anniversary we didn't give each other anything made of wood - we went out for tapas!

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