Every first time mother wants to experience all the "firsts" that come with a little one. Well, after spending part of every day of Brooks's little life with him, he decided that a good time to start crawling would be the first night I wasn't in the house! yeah for daddy and what a fun surprise to come home to last Sunday after a great weekend at Wyldlife Snow Camp!
This is our first attempt at video, so I hope it worked!
This last week has also been fun getting ready for Christmas, taking Brooks to pick out his first tree (it was about 8 degrees outside!), and decorating the house bit by bit.

Merry Christmas!
Congratulations Brooks! I love the video, and his tentative reaction to his own new trick.
Also, if it 8 degrees outside you need gloves on! What has Colorado done to you?!
Great crawling Brooks!
way to go brooks! i love his expression ...
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