Monday, November 30, 2009

10 months

We never can seem to get the new pictures up on the 24th, but hey, we're close.  Another month has flown by and as you can tell from these pictures, we have quite a little ham on our hands!  Brooks is getting more personality every day, and we think he's pretty funny!

He is "talking" all the time - da da da da and ba ba ba ba are his favorite phrases, and he especially loves when we say it back to him.  This month he has been working on holding his bottle by himself, eating more finger foods like cheerios and soft fruit and veggies, and the ever-elusive crawling!  That big belly just sticks to the ground as Brooks rolls and spins around all over the house.  He has no trouble getting where he wants to go, but hasn't quite figured out how to get up on his knees.

This month Brooks and I also took a trip to Dallas to visit Mimi and Grandad Fuquay.  We had so much fun!  Brooks has also moved to his big boy car seat and seems to enjoy not being so squished! 

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