Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Where the Green Grass Grows...

is where you will find Brooks SITTING this afternoon! WHAT?

Until today, our little guy was just a weeble-wobble, but now he's sitting! and not just for 2 seconds either - we had a whole photo shoot! and the dogs were running around him too! he was so steady and (i like to think) proud of himself.

Since we started the rice cereal, it's been one crazy achievement after another around here ...first sleeing on his side...

then waking up on his tummy and totally rolling over...

and now sitting on his own!

this is such a fun stage and i am so glad that nana, grandpa phil, mimi and grandad will all be here in a few days to enjoy him.


AElliott said...

He is so darn cute! I cannot wait until September to squeeze the cheeks. What a perfectly adorable boy! Looking forward to meeting you, Brooks-a-million!


The Leonards said...

yay brooks!! proud of you in tn. wish i could see it in person...missing you all.

emily rietz said...

hooray, brooks-o!