Wednesday, July 8, 2009

5 months...a little late!

We were in Breckenridge for Brooks' 5 month birthday (also the same day as our 3rd anniversary) so the pictures were a little late...

This stage of his little life sure is fun - he is really growing and showing so much personality.
I love...
- when we kiss your belly and you make a real laugh
- watching you roll from side to side on the floor, grabbing a toys and being so proud of yourself
- the rolls on your legs that are getting thicker every week
- your cheeks, and how they are the first thing people notice when we go out in public!
- that your hair is coming in more and more and staying just as red as the day you were born
- how you smile at daddy when he comes home from work - like, "where did you come from? i'm sure happy to see you!"
- that 99% of the time you are such a happy little boy - especially when you wake up from a good night sleep and are just smiling in your crib when i come it to get you up.

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