Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1st day of Preschool

another school year has begun!
Brooks is starting 3-year-old preschool at Ridgewood Park Preschool, and so far he loves it.  He is going Tuesdays and Thursdays and is in Mrs. Throckmorton's class.  (I still can't believe he can say her name so clearly!)  There are seven kids in his class, and he even gets dropped off in a carpool line outside the front door and walks in by himself.  He loves going to music class with Mrs. Gresback and also the gym.  It's a long day for this guy (who still naps thank goodness) - I don't pick him up until 2:30.  He is usually wiped out and comes home and sleeps a bit before dinner.

Brooks loves telling you that he isn't just three, but three and a half right now.  Other things I want to remember about our guy as he starts preschool...
  • He loves singing, making up songs, playing his guitar, and "jamming".  His favorite songs right now are "Do you know the muffin man?" and "Jesus loves me"
  • He memorized his first bible verse at church this month "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" - Genesis 1:1.  He is very proud of himself and so are we.
  • He is still into his trains, but more into trucks, construction, Bob the Builder, imagination play - he always wants to play "airport" and he is usually the baggage guy.  We are also usually flying to Denver to see Xander and play golf.  :)
  • He loves his new golf clubs and wants to play all the time.  it has been pretty hot and buggy, but we are starting to get outside more.  He asked why we hadn't been to the golf course in Dallas yet and would really like to go. At lunch with friends last weekend, he talked on and on about his "driver, hybrid, iron and putter."
  • He is really excited about reading and wants to practice his letters all the time.  He is confidently identifying all the letters and pretty good and telling you what a word starts with.  Some are harder than others - C & K, W & Y, F & V get mixed up a lot.  I find it hard to tell him why words that sound one way actually start with another letter!
  • He still loves his strider bike and riding it to the park near our house.  He especially likes when other people notice his bike (not as many striders in dallas as denver) and then he puts on a show riding laps around the park! 
  • He has started his first "responsibility chart" (chore chart really) and is interested in helping out and also putting something in his piggy bank!  We are just in week one but so far he has started setting the table and clearing his dishes more.  He has also showen more initiative in getting dressed by himself because he will get a sticker!

Our funny little guy! 

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