Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Happy Easter everyone!
We spent a great week in Texas leading up to Easter (future posts with more pics) and had a wonderful Easter with the Fuquay family in Dallas.  Brooks loved finding his Easter basket Sunday morning and couldn't wait to hunt the eggs that he said he heard the Easter Bunny hiding overnight. 

Wonderful Easter baskets from Mimi & Granddaddy and Boompa & Moompa too. 

Getting ready for the hunt!  We were so happy that Kate started walking before Easter because hunting for eggs is much cuter on two feet!

Kate more excited about a toy than the actual hunt. 

Finding his first egg!

Hunting with daddy

Sweet baby kate with daddy

The bunny also hid eggs in the front yard...

Our handsome boy - and so happy for once to have his picture taken

Fuquays - April 2012


Kara said...

What a FANTASTIC family picture - you guys look amazing! Love it. And I HATE to say this, Andrea, but Brooks looks SO grown up. In a good way - like he's enjoyed every moment thus far kinda-way... and like there are lots more of those moments to come kinda-way. Sigh... it goes too fast.

Dinky said...

These children look like dolls---soo adorable! Can't wait to have them in Dallas so we can l be with them LIVE