Tuesday, November 1, 2011

trick or treat

such a fun halloween weekend here in denver!  we had beautiful weather and a great time with family and friends.  with nana and papa in town we hit the pumpkin patch for a few extra pumpkins on saturday morning, went to a pumpkin carving party at our neighbors house saturday night and had xander, elliott and families over for dinner and trick or treating on monday. 

our little monkey - kate was so cute and warm in her costume.

finally a family shot - too bad the kids never look at the camera.  isn't brooks the cutest giraffe you've ever seen?!?

trick or treating with friends - kolby, elliott & xander.

happy halloween everyone!


Christy Parker said...

Love the little zoo you have going! And that red hair with the pumpkins - darling!

emily rietz said...

the giraffe costume slays me. too too cute. xoxo