Monday, April 18, 2011

3 months

this weekend our little kate turned 3 months (or one quarter as richard liked to say).  she is the most adorable and lovable little thing.  we had quite an eventful lead up to 3 months and we have lots to remember about our little peanut.
  • at 3 months, kate weighs 14 pounds (90%)
  • she eats about 5 times a day starting at 7am and finishing off around 9pm with a "dream feed"
  • she sleeps about 9 -10 hours at night and takes 3 naps (some are lengthy and some short depending on the day). 
  • kate spent her first morning in the church nursery last week and did great
  • she loves her swing and the light up star on her playmat. 
  • she does not love tummy time and needs a little work there! 
  • kate has given out a few giggles in addition to her many smiles - she is such a happy baby.
  • last week, kate took her first trip to the ER after taking a fall down some of the basement stairs.  such a freak accident and we are so thankful that she is totally ok - healthy and happy.  after a CT scan at the hospital we found out that kate has two small fractures in her skull.  luckily, the doctors told us that kate is a "healing machine" and the fractures will heal within two weeks with no long term consequences.  unbelievable!  we definitely thought that our first trip to the ER would be with our two year old rambunctious boy, but our little baby brought us there first.  

as you can see in this picture, brooks is such a loving big brother.  when kate got home from the hospital on wednesday, brooks said "kate, big boom head" and just wanted to give her a kiss.  it was about the sweetest thing we have ever seen.  brooks is really thriving these days - as a big brother and just as a two year old.  his vocabulary is increasing by the minute and we love to hear all the new things he has to say.  some of his favorite phrases are "mommy play more choo-choo" and "eat now."  at least he is also getting better with his "please" and "thank yous."

kate looking at all her awesome rolls and wondering, "when did i get so big?!?"




The Leonards said...

oh my, andrea!! so thankful she is okay. she is absolutely ADORABLE. glad y'all are doing so great:) Love from TN!

emily rietz said...

I am so glad she is ok! Happy three months, kiddo ...