Wednesday, February 16, 2011

somebody's a gamer

so even though i really tried to bowl well at xander's 3rd birthday party last weekend, i couldn't take home the win for the fuquays.  you may think richard beat me, but you'd be wrong.  brooks bowled the high score for our family on sunday all by himself.  (he did have the aid of the bumpers and a ramp to roll the ball with, but nonetheless, he broke 100 in his first game and beat mom and dad as you will see below.  needless to say, everyone at the party got a good laugh out of this one!

one pin?  seriously - all i needed was one more pin and i choked!  if only brooks understood what was going on and could celebrate his victory!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Thats better than I bowl, I usually get like a 48 :) I am impressed