kate is just as surprised as we are that she is already 10 months old! it's been another great month, very busy and full of exciting things for the kids and our family.
At 10 months...
kate is crawling - mostly army crawling on her forearms, but even gets up on all fours and moves a bit.
another big tooth entered the picture (5 total) and we started brushing kate's teeth - really kate just started eating her toothbrush, but it counts! teeth have been a much rougher road for baby kate than i remember with brooks. poor baby seems so sad and has trouble sleeping when they are coming in.
we took a trip to florida for aunt kathleen's wedding at the beach. kate was the honorary "flower girl," and i carried her down the aisle with me. brooks was a super ring bearer and walked down all by himself.
Kate is eating everything in sight - richard calls her a hamster because she has a special affinity for paper products and wood chips. we are constantly pulling things out of her mouth and i'm going to have to start keeping a cleaner house!
as kate's hair gets longer we have started putting more bows on her head - she is just getting prettier all the time (not biased we know).
kate's first halloween - she was a monkey and stayed warm and cuddly in her costume.

Brooks continues to be a cute big brother and seems older everyday. his vocabulary is increasing all the time and he is so much easier to understand. he also seems to be coming out of his shell more - dancing to music, saying hi to strangers, and being the center of attention at kathleen's wedding. He is constantly singing his songs he learns at school and puts on quite a show for everyone when he performs. he loves playing with zoo animal figures, tennis rackets (sometimes as guitars), dump trucks and loaders, and anything airplanes.
On the parent front, it has also been an eventful month. Richard wrapped up all of his interviews and has a job lined up following fellowship next summer. After a long search and much deliberation, weighing all the factors and prayer, we have decided to take a job with a great practice in dallas starting next september. it is going to be a great professional fit and we are looking forward to being closer to some of our family. the decision is of course bittersweet as we love being in colorado and the friends (new and old) we have here. everyone in colorado thinks we must be crazy to think of leaving (we might be) but we are already looking forward to many future ski trips back.
happy thanksgiving everyone - we are so thankful for our sweet kiddos and each other this year.