Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween

Halloween 2010 - A Penguin

Brooks with his buddy, Elliott.  Brooks also carried this book around the whole night.

Getting in a little extra reading before trick or treating begins. 

on a mission with his basketball-looking candy basket. 

Brooks and his friends after the first house.

Politely taking candy from strangers - what a great lesson!

Halloween 2010 was a huge success.  Brooks kept his costume on for 4 hours and i think would have even lasted longer.  He loved going up to the houses and was very polite in taking candy and "saying" thank you with his sign language.  Only one man thought he was a girl.


Christy Parker said...

YAY for a smashing success. Love that he is such a studious and polite penguin!

emily rietz said...

that penguin costume is the cutest thing I've ever seen.