Friday, October 23, 2009

a much needed vacation

We returned last weekend from an incredible week in florida sailing with my mom and phil. the weather was beautiful - 90 and sunny almost every day. it took us a few days to get used to the heat, but it was a welcome change from the 19 degrees and sleet we left behind in denver! while we spent most of our time relaxing by the pool, we also managed to stay busy with a lot of fishing, taking the boat out four days, an afternoon of golf, and a few games of cards. Brooks loved being on the boat and especially loved to nap when we took the boat out of the marina. the rocking was perfect! he also loved his first feel of the sand, eating dinner on the dock, swimming and splashing in the pool, and a lot of good time with nana and grandpa phil.
we were also lucky enough to have Brooke and Lee join us for the last few days of vacation. the weather turned a little cooler for their arrival, but we still enjoyed cocktails at sunset on the isla docks and late night dinners aboard Infinity.


Christy Parker said...

Wait just a second...has the Isla replaced the Infinity??? Ahhh!

Looks like a fantastic vacation - glad you had such a great time!

the fuquays said...

don't worry, it's still Infinity! the yacht club is isla

Jason & Ashley said...

Looks like a wonderful vacation!